Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Off The Plan benifits

Buying 'off the plan' can also be beneficial on therms of equity growth. In many case, the value of the asset can increase between the period of signing the contract to the period in which the property is ready to move in - which can put the buyer in a positive equity situation the day they turn key in the front door of their new home!
Buying directly from a developer may be an option that requires more patience on behalf of the buyer, but can save significant dollars on your real estate investment and be a good place to start the real estate investors looking for the cheapest option up front.
My Tips:

  1. Buying a property in the first instance has a lot to do with being able to round up to the right amount of cash to make a deposit.
  2. Buying a property directly from a developer can be one way of saving money.
  3. Buying 'off the plan"can offer significant savings, most importantly the absence of  Stamp Duty.
  4. In many cases, the value of the asset can increase between the period of the asset can increase between the period of signing the contract to the period in which the property is ready to move in.